Thrilling finish to Club Championships

19 July 2014

The 2014 HYC Club Championships result was only decided in the dying seconds of the final 6th race on this Sunday. Laser class champion Ronan Cull managed to snatch victory from the Howth Seventeen's Peter Courtney in a manouver on the finish line as demonstrated in the above picture.

The championships was run in the ISA Sailfleet J80s and the above picture shows Simon Rattigan (in boat 8) crossing the line in first place while Ronan Cull (number 3) bears down on Peter Courtney (2) which allowed Dermot Skehan (out of picture) shoot the line and finish ahead of Peter and gave Ronan's team championship victory by one point.

Commodore Brian Turvey with Club Championships winner Ronan Cull and event chairman Marcus Lynch


Event chairman Marcus Lynch thanked Richard Kissane and his race management team for the excellent racing and also thanked the competitors for the very high standard of competition and close racing. It was noted that 2 of the competitors were only 14 years of age (Ewan McMahon and Shane O'Brien) and they both credited themselves with great results, boding well for the future of competitive sailing in HYC.

Ewan McMahon, Simon Rattigan and Dermot Skehan go right on the beat


HYC's Honorary Sailing Secretary and event umpire Emmet Dalton was kept busy during the 6 races and even had to hold an on-the-water protest meeting between 2 competitors and under the watchful eye of Commodore Brian Turvey.

An on-the-water protest meeting with Ewan McMahon and Ronan Cull


Peter Courtney collects 2nd prize from Commodore Brian Turvey and Marcus Lynch


Simon Rattigan collects 3rd prize from Commodore Brian Turvey


The race management team (minus photographer Marcus Lynch)


Ronan Cull (3) and Peter Courtney (2) battle for the championships


A close finish means close checking of the final results!


4 of the competitors jostle for a boat end start