Wednesday night snooker - an invitation

The Weekly Snooker Competition started this week and will continue until mid April. Anyone who would like to play in the competition (male or female) simply has to turn up on any Wednesday night. Experience is not necessary. We cater for all snooker abilities from total novices to experienced players. The Rules and the basic skills will be demonstrated and explained to new comers. Snooker Cues are available for use so there is no need to buy any equipment.
The competition starts every week at 7:30 p.m., and matches are played through to the final at the end of the evening. There is a Weekly Prize of a bottle of Whiskey for the winner, the runner up receiving a bottle of Wine.
The Competition is open to all Members of HYC who are over 18 years of age; (This is a requirement of the Club Bye-Laws).
The entry fee is € 5.00 and anyone knocked out in the first round may buy back into the competition for € 1.00. There is a handicap system which is reviewed every week to reflect the result of the previous weeks play. There is a time limit for each match which depends on the handicap.