'Try Daysailing' this Monday on the J80s
12 April 2017

A group of members are planning a day trip in the HYC J80s on this Easter Monday. The current weather forecast is for a dry day with light westerly wind and as such both Dun Laoghaire and Malahide are being considered as possible suitable destinations.
This is an ideal way to familiarise yourself with the joy of day-sailing and passage planning and would suit anyone who would like to learn how to really relax and away from the hustle of a racecourse!
Three J80s have been made available, allowing for a maximum of 15 participants on the day. The shared costs for using the boats is €30 per person. For more information and to reserve your place, please register your interest with Brian McDowell here.
Registered in the Republic of Ireland. Registered No. 81187
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