Flying the HYC burgee all around the world in 2017

In recent years it’s often been difficult to keep up with the extensive worldwide racing campaigns that Howth sailors undertake during what has become a 12-month sailing season. From mid-winter in Florida and Sydney through to spring in the Caribbean and just about anywhere on the planet in summer and autumn, our members are competing more and more beyond the pale. We need your help to create a 2017 HYC Campaign Calendar showing all the racing that you and fellow members are planning to do outside Howth this coming year to allow other members, family, sponsors and friends to follow the campaigns.
The Campaign Calendar will be published on the website and also on the club notice board to help us support and publicise members upcoming racing endeavours.
Please send your 2017 plans to [email protected] where Sam O’Byrne will collate the details and publish the calendar, editing it as additional campaigns and ventures are added.