Enthusiastic skippers (and boats) required for 2017 Adult Sail Training programme

HYC runs Adult Sail Training days for both members and non-members. Some of those attending want to try sailing a yacht. Others have some limited experience and want to widen their sailing knowledge. Each full day includes a short theory session but the emphasis is on getting people afloat.
The club is looking for members to help with these sailing courses. Each skipper will take 3-4 attendees for a one-hour session in the morning, introducing them to the yacht and demonstrating its essential equipment. After lunch, everyone goes sailing for 2-3 hours. Depending on the level of experience, these sessions might include simple handling (under sail and power), sail trim, crew roles, tacking and gybing.
The primary purpose of these sessions is to show attendees how enjoyable sailing can be. We are therefore seeking enthusiastic, safety-conscious boat owners who would be prepared to offer themselves and their boats for one or two days this summer to facilitate these courses.
If you are interested, or want more information, please contact Susan Kavanagh (086 805 8797) or Feargal Kinsella (086 245 9502).
Also, if you're interested in doing some of our Adult Sail Training courses, see this year's programme and how to join up.