ICC Preparation Courses

Thinking of chartering abroad this year? Have you been tempted to go sailing in the Mediterranean or elsewhere by reading some of Tony Olin’s cruising reports over the past years? Would you like to apply for the necessary license? In an effort to help sailors prepare for ICC certification and following inquiries by some members who have expressed a wish to "be refreshed" on ICC topics prior to doing the assessment, HYC has organised some refresher courses with the assistance of David Jerrard of Seacraft. These courses are designed to help people to be ready to undertake the exam and to practice and refresh any relevant skills.
The International Certificate of Competence for Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC) is issued through the offices of the ISA on behalf of the Irish Government. The aim of the ICC is to provide boat owners and people wishing to charter boats abroad with an internationally recognised document certifying their competence to skipper a boat for recreational use.
The HYC courses include:
· 3 evenings of theory and plotting, including the ICC exam
· Half-day (2.5hrs) of on-the-water practice
The cost will be €130 to members (€250 to non-members) for the full course. (There is a charge of €50 for certificate issue, payable to the ISA.)
The next course is scheduled for Tues 21st-23rd March, with the exam scheduled on Fri 25th (all times 1930 – 2200). The practical date will be confirmed during the course.
If interested, please give your details and payment to Karen in the HYC Office ([email protected]).