Places left for Man Overboard and ICC refresher courses

The HYC 'Man Overboard' sailing course takes place next Sunday (14th) and members who would like to take part in this valuable course should contact the club office before this Wednesday. Starting at 10:00hrs, there will be a presentation on the different ways of getting back to the MOB under sail and power, including what the other crew members can be doing to help. Cost for members is a paltry €50 and also includes lunch as well as a donation to the RNLI.
There are also still some places left for the "refresher" sessions on ICC topics for people interested in improving their boat handling competency and for those seeking to do the full certification assessment. The refresher courses take place on Tuesday 16th-Thursday 18th August (1930-2200hrs). On-the-water practice is planned for Saturday 20th August (weather permitting). There will be 2 practical sessions, each with a max of 3 people, so individual attention is guaranteed. as follows, with the assistance of David Jerrard of Seacraft.
See here for details of these and all adult training courses
Places are reserved by giving your details to Karen in the HYC Office ([email protected]) and by paying in full.