Ireland's Eye Golf Society sails into its 25th year

This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of The Ireland's Eye Golf Society which is the rather cryptic name given to your club's golf society. As Captain this year, I would like to extend a warm invitation to all golfers and would-be golfers to join with us on our next outing in Forest Little Golf Club on Thursday 16 June. (The time sheet is available in Bar this Thursday from 2.00pm. ) The next four outings are scheduled below.
It is a great medium to renew friendships, make new ones, or even do battle with some old enemies on the land instead of the water. And not having an official golf handicap should not deter anyone. You will qualify for an IEGS handicap which can be allocated to you on the day. The society is open to all members, past members and staff of HYC, and it would be super to see some of our more junior members getting involved.
Also, a special welcome to our ten new members this year already and I look forward to meeting you all in the months ahead. If you have any question about getting started please just call the Hon. Secretary, Michael Martin, 0868282695 or myself on 0862416030. You can expect a warm welcome and lots of good enjoyment, although hitting it straight helps too!
With best wishes,
Vincent Wallace (Captain)
For your 2016 diary:
Thur. 16 June - Forest Little
Thur. 7 July - Ballymascanlon Hotel and Golf Club. (overnight option)
Friday 19 August, Captain's Prize, Howth GC
Friday 7 October, Sutton GC