HYC hosts the 2016 ISA Youth Pathway Championships

The ISA Youth Pathway Championships are taking place in Howth Yacht Club from this Thursday March 31st through until Sunday April 3rd. Fleets include 420s, Laser Radials, Laser 4.7s, Toppers and Optimists. The Youth Nationals form part of the ISA selection trials for the ISA National squads and an ‘indicator' for the ISA Academy. The event will also include the first leg of the Optimist trials.
In order to accommodate the large number of entries, HYC will be laying three separate race areas north of Irelands Eye. Additionally each day over one hundred volunteers will be on hand to assist with hosting the championships, on and off the water. With some 250 dinghies and 280 competitors ranging in age from nine years to eighteen, it promises to be a busy week in Howth Yacht Club and a great opportunity to welcome Ireland's premier youth sailors.
The club will be very busy throughout this week and we invite members to come down and enjoy the atmosphere.