All Aboard! 35 ROMEOS Trade Tides for Train Times

While autumn racing was in full swing at HYC, our ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out) set sail on a different kind of adventure - by rail! Chief ROMEO Gerry O'Neill rallied 35 members for a memorable day trip to Kelly's in Rosslare, trading spinnakers for train tickets and proving that the social spirit of HYC extends well beyond the marina. From coffee at Connolly to sunshine in the southeast, the journey was filled with the trademark ROMEO wit and camaraderie that's made this group such a cherished part of club life.
Report from ROMEO Gary Davis.
The HYC Autumn League was well underway. The Sailor ROMEOS were looking at the lucky nimble crews with a touch of envy. Most ROMEOS no longer participate in the Autumn League so chief ROMEO Gerry O’Neill organised a autumn outing to Kellys in Wexford. The course: first gun was 08.15 from Howth Dart Station; second gun was Connolly Station at 09.25.
35 ROMEOS congregated in Connolly, lining up for the second gun. The ROMEOS relaxed in the coffee shops admiring all the lucky folks on their way to jobs. Thousands pushed and shoved through to ticket gates, generating a racket with the ticket check gongs. It was recommended that a cap on passengers should be applied in Connolly.
There was an air of anxiety; will the train be late? Or arrive at all? Wow sigh of relief, Good news from the station master. The Rosslare train was spot on time.
Regular train trippers guided the ROMEOS to the exact spot the carriage doors opened. First in –“best seat “was the polite manner. 35 ROMEOS headed directly to the Port side seats, in gentlemanly fashion of course. As the train made its way through the suburbs and headed south, the scenery gladly changed from pigeon lofts and indescribable lines of washing to beautiful picturesque sea views and sparkling waves in sun shine, in one of our sunny days of this year.
After the train passed Arklow, the ticket conductor came to the carriage. He started checking the tickets of the junior passengers. When he had one look at the 35 ROMEOS flashing their green cards, he had a good laugh and slagged the silver hair and shiny crowns.
After a most pleasant journey, the train arrived at Rosslare Strand station on time. The ROMEOS disembarked and commenced the trudge of the 10 minute march to the hotel, in true Dads Army fashion. On arrival at the hotel the ROMEOS were greeted and made very welcome by the owner, Billy Kelly and his friendly and professional staff.
As all the ROMEOS were dehydrated, having travelled in a dry train, the bar was almost overcome with requests of pints, shots and glasses of various refreshments. Having got rehydrated, it was time to go to the Bistro for lunch. The places were set for the hungry ROMEOS. The choice on the menu catered for all tastes.
When the lunch was finished and everybody was happy. The Chief Romeo took to the floor and welcomed everyone to Rosslare, and thanked to staff for the beautiful meal. He announced that there was a birthday boy in our midst. A hand crafted, unique birthday card, which was signed by all ROMEOS was presented to birthday boy; Gerry Sargent, who had reached 87 years. There was a good wish toast and a round of applause for Gerry.
Free time; there was beautiful sunshine and time for a swim, but no takers. There was a scattering in all directions: walking the beach, supporting the bar, committee serious discussions, visits to snooze land. It was rumoured that some had gone jogging but this cannot be verified.
All good things come to an end; time to depart came too soon. But it was time to go to the station for the train to Dublin. All ROMEOS, head counted and safely on board. By the time the train reached Wexford, all ROMEOS were in sleep mode and encouraged fewer passengers in the carriage because of various noises.
Next major event was waking up and the train pulling into Connolly Station, lucky it was the terminus.
The next ROMEO event is on 20th of December in HYC. This will be a celebration of the 50th ROMEO get together. Chief ROMEO Gerry O’Neill is looking forward to seeing you all there.
Scripted by Garry Davis