AQUA Double Handed Race with Club J80 Charters Available
The annual Aqua Double-Handed Race, organised by Howth Yacht Club, is on next Saturday July 18, 2020 with an expanded class line up. Aqua Restaurant has again kindly agreed to support this event. In the past this race has been for cruiser spinnaker and non-spinnaker classes. We still have a one or two club J80's available for charter for the race if any skippers would like to apply full details here.This year we are including separate starts for J80’s, Puppeteer, Squib and Howth 17’s. It’s an open event so we hope to see entries from our neighbouring clubs in Dublin Bay and Fingal join in. The plan is to start the race just before 10am with the race finishing from lunchtime onwards. The intention is to have all courses round Lambay Island also using HYC Club marks and possibly other marks if the conditions require it.
With the current restrictions this event offers organised racing, a great day out on the water and a chance to work on two-handed skills. Crews can be household members or those that can facilitate the social distancing recommendations set by government for the July 18th.
So get your entry in today, cost is just €25 with our easy online entry here. The Notice of Race is posted here and sailing instructions will be added closer to the date. Aqua and Howth Yacht Club plan to give you a great day on the water and ashore so phone a friend and enter now!