Status of club activities following weather disruption

Following the unavoidable disruption to all sorts of activities on Irelands' east coast this week and with the forecast heralding continuing easterly gales, the Brass Monkeys organising committee have cancelled this Saturday's race and rescheduled it for Saturday 24th March. The prizegiving dinner will follow the race on that Saturday.
The clubhouse will be closed this Thursday and Friday 1st & 2nd March and will reopen on Saturday in due course. Lots of events will be rescheduled including the Puppeteer Class AGM which now takes place next Tuesday night. See diary here for details of current activities and cancelled events. The weather warning prompted our marina team to circulate the following message to all marina license holders and boat owners yesterday (Wednesday 28th Feb):
'There are very strong winds from the East to Northeast reaching Force 8 forecast for today and later in the week winds also from the East to Northeast Gale to Strong Gale also forecast. Currently Met Eireann have issued a Yellow wind warning for our area. Also we have a Red weather warning for Snow and Ice so extreme caution is advised if going onto the marina to check lines fenders or dehumidifiers.
We will leave emergency fenders in the store under the stairs beside the marina office and our Marina team will check the marina daily. If you are checking your boat please ensure you wear a lifejacket and make sure you are accompanied, especially at night.'
The race management team for the Laser Frostbites will be watching the weather closely in respect of this Sunday's race. It's interesting to note that the sea temperature (as per the Dublin Bay Buoy) is 6°C, extraordinarily cold, even for this being normally the coldest period for sea temperatures. Hot showers and warm hospitality will be waiting for the hardy racers when they get ashore!