Calling all HYC Golfers

Did you know that your yacht club has a very active Golf Society?
Ireland’s Eye golf society was founded in 1992 - we will be 30 years in existence next year. The founding members were Noel Cody and Albert Cullen - now sadly gone to the 19th. Our first President was Andrew Knowles and the Captain was Russel Rafter. John Bennet was Hon Sec and Michael Martin Hon Treasurer.
The 2020 season was adversely affected by COVID 19 pandemic and by the weather, but we did manage a couple of outings.
We host approx five outings every year and it’s a wonderful opportunity to play challenging courses such as
Howth, Skerries, Beverstown, Sutton and Ballymascanlon. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and there is always an atmosphere of good camaraderie and keen competition. We generally retire to HYC. For prize giving, dinner and craic!
We would be delighted to welcome new members. Members, Staff and former staff of HYC are eligible for membership. Anyone interested should contact one of the following;
Captain. Mary Fitzpatrick. 0868037204
Vice Capt. Berchmans Gannon. 086 2555658
Hon Sec. John Massey. 085 8571199