Laser Sailors Enjoy Idyllic December Training Conditions

With the Laser Frostbites suspended due to the COVID prohibition on racing, the fleet went afloat for a training session on Sunday, Dec 20th. There was a lot of searching for boat parts, and in one case a wetsuit, that interfered with some people's plans but those that got afloat found a beautiful sailing day waiting for them - sunshine and a 12 - 14 knot breeze.
The group size was restricted to 15 to comply with the Level 3 restrictions, participants wore masks while ashore and the changing rooms and showers were closed.
Starts and short Windward Leeward legs were practiced with Sea Wych on station to remind those taking part what a Committee Vessel looks like.
Subject to the expected Government announcement on enhanced restrictions after Christmas, it is planned to get the Laser and Keelboat fleets afloat on New Year's Day - check out the website later this coming week for updates.