Get Sailing from HYC Over Christmas

With all forms of competition prohibited by the previous Level 5 (other than at ‘elite’ level) it has been encouraging to see good numbers of Junior members joining in the Club’s organised training sessions at weekends. Now at Level 3, despite the racing prohibition, training is allowed and we are looking at getting people afloat to practice their skills for when racing can resume.
For those of you who would normally participate in Frostbite racing at this time of year, we can arrange RIB cover for groups of less than 15 people to allow you get out and safely enjoy the fresh air, exercise and fun on the water over the Christmas and New Year’s period. We propose to arrange RIB cover on the Sunday mornings of Dec 13th and 20th, subject to the weather conditions so, if interested, please contact the Laser Class Captain and let him know of your interest.
On New Year’s Day, we would love to see the Club's keelboats and Lasers / Aeros out sailing. Further details will be provided over the next week or so but please watch the website and keep in touch with your Class Captain about the plans.
We wish all Howth YC members a very merry Christmas. With the Level 3 regime in place from Dec 4th allowing the Club’s bar and dining facilities to re-open, we look forward to meeting you on the water or in the Clubhouse.
Good pictures of winter sailing are at a premium so please send us your good ones and we will blitz our social media outlets with the news that activity afloat is still alive.