Aoife Reflects on her Olympic Campaign with a Smile

We were delighted to catch up with Aoife today to hear her response to the postponment of the Olympic Games and her response to this dissapointing news was as gracious, mature and selfless as always...
"Sure all of our lives have been turned upside down and at the end of the day this is much bigger than a few girls in sailboats. I hope all of our HYC members and wider community are safe and healthy and staying home. I won?t be training as much the next while (just one or two sessions a day should do it!) in order to prioritise safety and because of the postponement of the Olympic Games. Everything is of course in the air at the moment but I'll be ready to go once this is all over. I was meant to be in Palma at the moment competing in the Princess Sofia Regatta but am lucky that I'm home with my family for these trying times. We are so lucky to have the sea at our doorstep and be able to at least enjoy that view and salty air while we're stuck at home! I hope everyone battens down the hatches and stays safe and well while we as a community battle this storm."
We all look forward to brighter days where we can follow Aoife on her campaign and wish success to Eve McMahon who is vying for an Irish Laser Radial place. We also look forward to seeing Robert Dickson and Sean Waddilove back on track soon in their quest for an Olympic nomination in the 49'er and Ewan McMahon in his pursuit of the Men's Laser slot. We have so much to be proud of and look forward to with all of our HYC young sailors.