Covid 19 Update from HYC Commodore

In trying to navigate the uncharted waters associated with the COVID-19 virus, the General Committee believe it important that members are kept informed about the actions HYC is taking.
In general, the comparative isolation inherent with sailing makes it an activity with relatively little risk of infection and there is no restriction on members sailing. However, on boats with multiple crew, the HSE advice on avoiding contamination is particularly relevant.
Our prime objective is to keep our Club an enjoyable and safe place for members to come to. Our duty of care is to ensure the safety of staff, members and visitors to the extent that we can. We will take whatever action is required to do so by implementing best practice, applying common sense and following the advice of the Department of Health, the HSE and the guidance provided by Irish Sailing.
We are therefore immediately taking the following actions:
- A Committe member has been assigned to co-ordinate the tasks required to minimise the risks arising from the virus for staff and members.
- Clubhouse gatherings are restricted to 100 people
- Social distancing and restricted proximity procedures (a metre apart) are in operation.
- Dining tables are being set up 1 metre apart.
- The Changing Rooms and showers will be unavailable until further notice.
- The downstairs Changing Room toilets are now designated solely for U18 use.
- The downstairs disabled and upstairs toilets are designated solely for adult use (over 18).
- The cleaning regime throughout the Club has been significantly enhanced.
- A hand sanitiser has been positioned at the main Clubhouse entrance door. Others, already ordered, will be located around the Club when delivered.
- Staff levels are reduced with key administative staff set up to work remotely
- All HYC based sailing and coaching events up to 19th April are postponed and will be rescheduled where possible. Refunds will be available on request.
- WAVE Regatta is postponed to the 11-13th September
Please note that if you have recently returned from any high-risk area you MUST NOT visit HYC for at least 14 days from the date of your return to Ireland. After that we will be delighted to see you.
From April 19th we hope that Club sailing activities will resume. We intend to keep the Club facilities operational to the extent that we can and we appeal for your support in doing so. The Club Bar and Restaurant remain open and the HYC website advises on opening hours.
Although tissues and other cleansers are provided, regular and thorough hand washing using soap is considered best practice. We are appealing to members using the Clubhouse to follow that advice and to protect themselves, the Club Staff and their fellow members. Please refer to the HSE's information and guidelines in respect of personal concerns.
Ian Byrne (Commodore)