Quest Howth Bursary Scheme Offered to all 4 Local National Schools

HYC through it's sailing & powerboat training brand Quest Howth has introduced a new bursary programme which is on offer to the four primary schools in the Howth/Sutton area i.e. Burrow NS, St. Fintan’s NS, Scoil Mhuire NS and Sutton Park. The bursary is aimed at children between 1st and 3rd class and the offers one voucher for a one week course in our Cara Na Mara programme. The voucher can be split between 2 children which means they pay 50% of the normal course fee and this is to be made at the time of application. Deadline for applications from each school must be received by 31st March and final booking can be made on or before the 15th April.
This bursary is designed to encourage participation in the sport of sailing to a child who otherwise may not have had any previous connections or links to the sailing world or the opportunity of learning to sail.
The Cara Na Mara programme is a child focused approach which introduces children to sailing, allowing them to discover, explore and practice the skills and knowledge they need as sailors, while under the leadership and supervision of Irish Sailing qualified instructors. The children are placed in groups of six, under guidance of an instructor and an assistant instructor – 6: 2 ratio. The children learn to sail in Picos which can accommodate more than one sailor at a time and allows children to sail with their friends. Elements of the S.T.E.M programme, (Wind and Wave; Tide and Navigation etc) are introduced during the week through hands-on learning. The courses include a healthy lunch daily (hot food and fruit).
Each school has been asked to nominate a child and to inform parents of this opportunity/requesting expressions of interest. The exact format can be left to each school but all applications must be in with Howth Yacht Club by the 31st March each year. The schools expression of interest or nomination should include why the school feels this child is particularly suitable to avail of the bursary and must be accompanied by the parent/guardian’s approval to take part in the course. The nominations can be dropped into the office or emailed to [email protected] .
For further details on the course please see the link below or please call us on (01) 8322141 or
We will also have our sailing information evening on Thursday 5th March at 7.30 if any parents would like to come along and find out more about our Quest Howth Sailing Courses.