Cruising Group Awards Night
09 February 2020
A record sixty-five members attended the Cruising Group Awards Dinner last Friday night held in the HYC.
Highlight of the night, was the awarding by John Connolly of a new Memorial Cup ( Perpetual) to the Cruising group Captain Willie Kearney. The new Cup was donated by John in memorial of his late father Colonel Phelim Connolly. The traditional marine-themed Table Quiz was also held with Gary McGuire as quizmaster.
Award Details:
Log Competitions:
1. The coveted Menton Trophy was awarded to Sean McCormac for the best Cruise log of his voyage on "Marie Claire"to the Herbrides of Scotland.
2. The Howth Silver Plate was awarded to Denis O'Brien for the log of his voyage with his wife Olive on "Katrina 11" from Howth to Cork and Back.
The Donal Skehan Trophy
The Donal Skehan Trophy was awarded to Cyril Geran in recognition for his services to the Cruising Group during 2019.
The Ken Moles Trophy was awarded by Gary McGuire (the Quizmaster) to the most intelligent table crew of the night. The crew headed by Carmel Kavanagh won the Trophy on the night.
Photographic Competition- The Mutec Trophy donated by John Connolly
6 high quality entries had been received for this competition.
The winner Clofford Brown was awarded the Mutec Trophy by John Connolly
Because of the quality of the photographic entries, three additional prizes were awarded for this competition.
Second Place: Michael O'Connor
Third Place: Geraldine Corr
Fourth Place: Pat Murphy
A surprise Award of the night was made by John Connolly who donated the new
"The Colonel Phelim Connolly Memorial Cup" to the Cruising Group. This Perpetual Memorial Cup is dedicated to his father Phelim who died recently in October 2019 aged 91 and the Cup is to awarded to the Cruising Group Captain.
Accordingly, John Connolly and the Commodore Ian Byrne awarded the Memorial Cup to the present Cruising Group Captain Willie Kearney.
A raffle was held for a great selection of spot prizes donated by members to the Cruising Group. A great night was had by all members.
Many thanks to the great Cruising Group team and the Caterers who assisted Willie Kearney in organising this event.

Ian Byrne ( Commodore), Carmel Kavanagh (Winner) and Gary McGuire (Quizmaster)

Sean McCormac being presented the Menton Trophy by Ian Byrne (Commodore)

Denis O'Brien being presented the Howth Silver Plate by Ian Byrne

Cyril Gerin being presented the Donal Skehan Trophy by Ian Byrne

Ian Byrne (Commodore) and John Connolly awarding Clifford Brown the Mutec trophy as winner of the Photographic Competition

Ian Byrne (Commodore) and John Connolly awarding Michael O'Connor Second Prize for the Photographic Competition

Ian Byrne (Commodore) and John Connolly awarding Geraldine Corr Third prize for the Photographic Competition

Ian Byrne (Commodore) and John Connolly awarding Pat Murphy Fourth prize for the Photographic Competition

Willie Kearney ( Cruising Group Captain) being awarded the New Phelim Connolly Memorial Cup by John Connolly and Ian Byrne ( Commodore).
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