Rescheduled Dinghy Regatta proves to be a winner
01 September 2019

Howth Yacht Club's annual Dinghy Regatta took place today, Sunday 1st September having being postponed from the previous Sunday due to lack of wind. This was fortunate as it doubled the number of entrants despite being exhausted after their first week back at school. In contrast to the previous week there was ample wind if not verging on too much however many of the younger sailors braved it out in the main fleet to successfully complete 3 back-to-back races run under the efficient management of Scorie Walls, (PRO) and her team of quirky sandwich eaters.
Jack McMahon triumphed in the Laser radial class which was scored on a PY handicap system with his cousin Eve McMahon in second and Kate Campion and Higo Mika sailing a 420 following in third place.
The larger entry of Laser Radials together with Toppers (again on a PY handicap system) was won by Ciaran Durnford (SDC) followed by Ruth Lacy in second and Hugh Turvey (who despite having three seconds) managed to finish in third position because of the discard system!
There was some serious talent in the Optimist class with many of the top sailors taking part who had been unable to participate the previous weekend. Racing was dominated by Luke Turvey (top photo with Commodore Ian Byrne), Rocco Wright and Johnny Flynn who finished in this order. Special recognition should also be given Caoilinn McDonnell (HYC) , Piers Hallwood (HYC) and Louise McGovern (RStGYC) who doggedly stuck it out in very testing conditions to complete all three races.
Meanwhile, in the safety of the Harbour, David Sargent successfully managed to run 5 races for the Regatta Fleet. Never were the prizes of Toblerones, Teasers and Malteesers more eagerly awaited by their recipients. The class was won by Steve Gannon O'Connor followed by Keelan Darby and Ben Keating. Prizes were also awarded to Darcey McEvoy and Thomas Murphy for Best Endeavours, to Olivia Lacy for the most improved sailor and to Charlie Power for the most outstanding capsize!
Particular thanks must also be given to our Results Officer Eimear who ventured onto the committee boat and in a most efficient manner had the results on the Club Website before the sailors had even arrived ashore.
William Lacy
Event Chairman

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