Adult's Challenge Paddleboard Relay Race
12 August 2019

As part of the 'fun element' of the HYC Dinghy Regatta, the club will be running a charity Stand-Up-Paddleboard Relay Race at 3pm on Sunday 25th August. The idea is to engage the parents in a bit of fun before the Prizegiving for the HYC Dinghy Club Regatta. The event has been registered as a fundraiser Howth RNLI and it's on their website and is open to parents of the participants in the HYC Dinghy Regatta.
The event has been kindly sponsored by Francois from Pure Magic Watersports who has agreed to bring along the boards and wetsuits for the fun on the day. We will have some volunteers collecting for the RNLI before and during the event and we will have a prize for the winning team.
Bring along your loose change/ notes and don’t miss what promises to be a fun event. Why not get your team together and enter by contacting [email protected] or phone Sara Lacy at 087 0505542/ [email protected]. The event is limited to the first four teams (each of 4 people) entered.

Registered in the Republic of Ireland. Registered No. 81187
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