Man Overboard course - May 4th
26 March 2019

If a crewmember falls overboard, how confident are you that s/he can be quickly recovered? If it is you that falls over, will your crew be able to get you back? Knowing the theory is one thing, putting it into practice is something quite different...
HYC and Seacraft are running a “Man Overboard” day on Saturday 4th May. Starting at 10:00, there will be a presentation on the different ways of getting back to the MOB under sail and power, including what the other crew members can be doing to help.
Following a quick lunch, attendees will go afloat to practice. The focus will be on getting the boat back to the MOB and in a position where the MOB can be recovered. There will be an additional session with a life-sized dummy where different methods of getting the MOB back on board can be trialled.
Cost is €50 per person (including lunch and a donation to the RNLI). Bookings and payment can be made with the HYC Office ([email protected]).
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