HYC is Recruiting Assistant Instructors
15 March 2019

We have a few places left on our voluntary assistant instructor programme to help on the summer courses 2019. Volunteers need to be keen sailors and 15 or 16 years of age. Each assistant is asked to commit to two weeks work on our summer courses and normally would be helping out our younger sailors on our Cara Na Mara courses. If you are interested in assisting, please fill out the instructor/ Coach Application Form with all the necessary relevant information and most importantly the dates that you are available. Please refer to the Quest Howth Sailing Courses for the summer course dates. The role of assistant instructor is a voluntary role and in return for your valued assistance we provide free pre-entry training & assessment and/or powerboat training for instructor training candidates (dates to be advised on the induction day) and to be eligible for this you are required to commit to two weeks work during the summer .
This is an ideal platform for young sailors who might be interested in following a pathway to be a sailing instructor and can be a very rewarding experience, working with a superb team and under the guidance of our senior instructors.
To apply for one of these assistant instructor positions, please fill out this application form below.
Application deadline : Friday 19th April.
Please note that we will be holding an interview/induction day on Wednesday 24th April (full day) which you will need to attend.
Registered in the Republic of Ireland. Registered No. 81187
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