Willie Kearney appointed as new Captain of Cruising Group
04 March 2019

Annual Prize Giving Dinner for 2018 in Howth Yacht Club Cruising Group held on Friday night 1st March 2019. A great night was had by all the Cruising Group members at the Annual Prize Giving Dinner for 2018 which was held on Friday night 1st March 2019. Commodore Ian Byrne attended the event with his partner Lea.
Prize Giving Results:
Log Competition -4 trophies and one special prize were awarded.
1, The Howth Plate was awarded for the best cruise from and back to Howth. The winner of the trophy was Harry Whelehan.
2. The Jim Menton Trophy was awarded to Mike Medcalf for the best overall log for 2018. Mike cruised to the Caledonian Canal in Scotland.
3. Because of the high quality presentation of one of the competition entries, a Special Prize was awarded to Ken and Cramel Kavanagh for their Mediterranean cruise.
4.The Donal Skehan Trophy
“This award is presented to a nominee of the Howth Yacht Club, Cruising Group in recognition of her/his achievements, contribution, and/or services to sailing that might not in other circumstances be duly recognised.
Gerry O'Neill owner of the yacht "Gerryatric" was awarded this Trophy for his exceptional services to the Cruising Group over many years.
Annual Dinner Quiz
The Ken Moles Trophy is awarded to the most “ intelligent” crew or combined crews for the annual dinner quiz.
Wally McGurk's table was awarded this Trophy by the Commodore Ian Byrne.
The new Photographic Competition- Edel Gilmartin was the winner of new Mutec Trophy. The Mutec Trophy was awarded by John Connolly to Mike Medcalf on her behalf at the meal. John Connolly denoted the new Mutec Trophy to the Cruising Club. The winning photographs taken by Edel will be published on the HYC website.
A Special Award of a commissioned gold framed oil painting of the Bailey Lighthouse was presented to the out-going Cruising Club Captain Pat Murphy by Willie Kearney - see top photo. A special personalised and signed card from all the members who were unable to attend the dinner, was also presented to Pat.
Many interesting spot- prizes were donated by members and a great night and meal was had by all.
A big thanks to all the members and wives/partners/ guests for their support to the Dinner.
Thank You,
Willie Kearney - Cruising Club Captain
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