Member-Priority-Bookings for Summer Sailing Courses
08 January 2019

This is a reminder for all members not to forget to avail of our facility for HYC member 'priority booking' and 'discounted rates' for our summer sailing courses. Make sure that you get your choice of dates and courses by contacting the office and booking now at (01) 8322141. All course information is available under Quest Howth The courses will then also be opened for non-members on the 1st Feb that they can apply, so don't delay and consult with fellow members where your children would like to do courses with their friends. (We would encourage your child/teenager to link in with their friends to book their courses and times together if possible as it means they have the added benefit of having fun with their friends.)
All forms are interactive and can be completed in the comfort of your home and them emailed into the office to confirm availability and then payment.
'Quest Howth' is a brand name that we have established to help market all junior and adult sailing courses as well as powerboat training and shore-based courses. Through this initiative, we hope to encourage more people of all ages to experience sailing and enjoy their time in Howth Yacht Club - as much as we do!
Registered in the Republic of Ireland. Registered No. 81187
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