Harbour dredging forefront at top-level visit
03 December 2018

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar visited the club on Saturday, 1st December and was accompanied by Minister Richard Bruton TD and the Mayor of Fingal Anthony Lavin. The visit had been arranged by Senator Catherine Noone to help discuss issues facing the club. The delegation had earlier met the local fishermen and focused on the issues pertaining to the harbour.
At a reception in the club, the Commodore outlined the challenges facing the club and in particular the dredging issue which has become critically urgent and outlined the impact that it was having for the club and the likely future impact. It was also pointed out that the silting of the harbour is severly compromising commercial activity and also rescue services such as the RNLI .
The Taoiseach was aware of the issue and said that he had discussed it with the Minister for Agriculture and the Marine on the previous Thursday. He outlined that the cost of the dredging is considerable and that it has been categorised as a major infrastructural project.
Harbourmater Harry McLoughlin outlined the strong relationship between the club and the harbour authority and
reinforced the case for the dredging, highlighting the impact on Howth Yacht Club. The imminent appointment of the consultants is a major first step in this process, the second will be the granting of the planning permission and necessary licensing required to complete this major project.

In a discussion with the Taoiseach in the club’s Centenary Room, the Commodore also highlighted the impact that recent changes to drink-driving limits was having on all clubs and the fact that this will mean that many clubs will be under further financial pressure resulting from the subsequent reduction in trade and traditional revenues that clubs have been dependent upon. The Taoiseach then positively discussed potential new uses that the club premises could be used for.

The afternoon provided a very valuable interchange which afforded the club the opportunity to express its views at the highest level.

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