Coastal-skipper/Yachtmaster-offshore navigation course - last chance to book!

This highly regarded shorebased certificate course will be run in Howth Yacht Club over 6 Saturdays on October the 20th and 27th, November the 3rd, 10th and 17th and December the 1st from 9:30am to 5:30pm each day. Intended for those who wish to become proficient cruising skippers and crew, or to refresh their existing knowledge, this comprehensive course is presented by David Jerrard of Sea~Craft, widely recognised for the enthusiasm and professionalism with which their courses are delivered.
The course will cover chart work, tides, weather systems and forecasts, passage planning, pilotage, safety considerations, COLREGS and electronic aids to navigation relevant to local and extended coastal and offshore passages. This courses is suitable for sail and power the course is open to both club members and non- members; tell your friends, crew and colleagues.
The course fee is €525, discounted to €475 for current HYC members, which includes the full RYA course pack. If you already hold this course completion certificate we offer a special ‘refresher’ course fee of €325 for the full course.
For more details and booking information please contact [email protected] or ‘phone Sea~Craft at 01 286 3362, anytime.