HYC Artists exhibition opened

Howth Yacht Club Artists were delighted to have been honored by renowned Irish artist Una Sealy RHA to officially open their 2018 exhibition in front of a large gathering on Friday evening 8th June. Una (who lives locally) expressed how impressed she was with the standard of the art work, and how delightful it was to see the passion and pride of the artists in exhibiting their work.
The HYC Artists meet weekly from September to June under the tutelage of Irma Mullaney and Simon Culleton and of course the advice of Brian Murphy who originally initiated the group set up back in 2012. The art classes take place in the Junior Room in a very relaxed informal setting, and more often than not the evening ending up in the bar for a chat over a glass of wine or a coffee. It has been stressed that no prior experience is required and new members are more than welcome.
The exhibition was organised by Irma, Brian, Peter Courtney and Rima Macken, refreshments of wine and cheese platters enhanced the occasion. This exhibition will be on display in the Dining Room of the Club until Sunday 17th June, members and their friends would be most welcome and are invited to view the paintings. Twenty three artists have exhibited some of their work.
(Caroline Burke)
See below a small selection of the many exhibits on display in the club this week: