Shorebased Navigation and Seamanship Courses

An RYA Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster Offshore course will start shortly in HYC. This course covers topics such as navigation, tides, weather, buoyage, etc.....essential knowledge for all serious sailors! It starts on Wednesday 18 October and runs through to Wednesday 7th March 2018 (7.30-10pm each evening). The cost of €525 (€475 to HYC members) includes your pack with chart, almanac and other materials.
For anyone already holding an ISA/RYA cert who wants some refreshing, please enquire....this may be possible (at a reduced rate) subject to space available.
Contact Seacraft (2863362) to book or if you have any questions.
For anyone wishing to do an initial navigation and seamanship course, we have a couple of others available, subject to demand. Please enquire with Karen in the HYC office ([email protected]) and we will discuss options.