Brass Monkeys expands to include IRC division

Properly formalised in 1987, Howth Yacht Club's Brass Monkeys Series is one of the most popular sailing events in the calendar and Ireland's oldest open winter racing series. Running for 6 consecutive weeks, the first race of this year's event begins on Sunday the 5th of November and the series concludes on the 9th of December and afterwards with the infamous prizegiving lunch which normally attracts up to 200 revellers from the fleet.
Long-standing event chairman Pat Connolly has published the event entry form and online entry which now includes an IRC division, following considerable interest from lots of sailors who want to keep sailing and racing throughout the winter months. The regular 'white sail' classes (1, 2, 3) and the Class 2 Spinnaker division will no doubt again be wondering what sort of special handicaps the organising committee will issue. Part of the intrigue of this series is the element of fun that is enjoyed with the special Brass Monkey Handicap system. The club's own J80s are available to charter for this event at a special rate of €400 (not including entry fee and damage deposit). All enquiries for bookings should be made at the club office.
The prizes will again be generously and appropriately sponsored by The Brass Monkey Restaurant.
Join us for this superb winter racing series and enter online here